Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This week Jason taught on Matthew 18:1-4. He began by explaining that the kingdom of heaven is the place where God rules and that we are already a part of it as Christians. It will continue forever, so we want to be great in that kingdom. But what makes us great in the kingdom of heaven is not what we would expect. In the kingdom of heaven, it is humility, being like a child, and being a servant are what is most important. Instead of trying to be better than others to be great in the kingdom of heaven, we simply have to recognize who God is and how much greater he is than us.

This leaves us with two challenges. The first is that we need to change our attitude. We need to stop trying to be better than others and recognize that we need God even more than a small child needs their parents. The second is that we need to serve others and care about the needs of others before our own needs. This week we should try and do something to serve someone else like being a friend to someone who needs a friend.