Friday, June 11, 2010

This week Trent spoke on Proverbs 10:12. This verse talks about how hatred stirs up strife, but love covers wrongs. Trent talked about how we have two choices when someone does something that wrongs us. We can get mad and hate the person who did it, or we can love them and forgive them. Trent talked about how his sister used to come into his room and play with one of his toys that he did not really like anymore. He would get upset about the fact that she went into his room without his permission. He had a choice, to get mad or to forgive his sister. In that situation he should love his sister and forget the wrong that was done to him. In this coming week we are going to face this same sort of choice. We can get mad when someone does something that bothers us, or we can love them and forgive them instead. We should all try and forgive people this week rather than hold things against another person.