This week Trent spoke about prayer and fasting. He taught on Matthew 6:16-18 which talks about the need for there to be time spent alone with God. We should not try to show off how holy we are; instead we need a very personal and close relationship with God. An important part of relationship is time that is spent together, but not with any other people. Trent talked about how it is important in a dating relationship to have certain times where you are alone just the two of you. With God it is the same way. We need time that we just focus on prayer. Trent challenged us to set aside a special time this week in which we can pray to God. It might include some form of fasting in which we give up something to help us to have more time to focus on God. Maybe that means giving up eating for a day or giving up some form of electronics like text messaging or television. Instead of doing these things, we can spend some time with God beyond what we normally spend with God.