Without knowing where it will lead, choose which adventure you will take. Sign up with your friends ASAP!
Choose Your Adventure 2010
1. Galleria IS CLOSED
2. Nature | $10 | wear clothes that can get dirty
3 spots left | Show up at 2:45 to try and rush the spot!
3. Circle IS CLOSED
4. Glide | 3:10 | $15 | wear pants and socks
2 spot left | Show up at 2:45 to try and rush the spot!
Do you want to be on the cutting edge and chill at once? (it's phyiscal activity but you don't sweat) Like the idea of being a princess and then enjoy a quaint village? This is your adventure...
5. Battle | 3:20 | $20 | wear whatever you can be active in
1 spot left | Show up at 2:45 to try and rush the spot!
Do you watch Storm Troopers and think, I could do a better job than those clones? (it takes focus and speed) Ever consider taking a little break after a few sessions? This is your adventure...
RUSH SPOTS AT 2:45 the day of...
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