Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This Sunday Trent taught on the story of David and Bathsheba. In the story, David sinned greatly by sleeping with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. David tried to cover up his mistake, but instead of being able to cover up his sin, he decided to murder Uriah. It all began when David decided not to go to war with Israel like kings were supposed to do in that time. Instead of doing his duty and protecting his country, David decided to relax. We do not really know why he did this, but we know that before he began to fall into temptation to sin with Bathsheba, he had already started doing things wrong. In our lives, we also need to make sure that we do not begin with doing little things that are wrong, because that opens the door for further temptations. Also, whenever we do sin, we should immediately confess our sins rather than attempting to hide them. In hiding his sin, David eventually murdered someone, and he still eventually got caught for his sins. He needed to repent earlier, so that he would not have continued to sin. In our lives, we should confess to all of our sins immediately rather than attempting to hide them, because we can never
actually hide our sins from God. God will ultimately punish us, even for the sins that we think that we have hidden, so it is best to repent immediately to keep ourselves from sinning any more.