Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jason's Blog

This week our very own Nick Ranieri spoke to us concerning dating relationships. He shared a bit of his dating history, and offered some good advice for middle school students regarding dating. His advice was to wait until after middle school to get into a dating relationship. Nick also had excellent and Biblical advice on how to best treat persons of the opposite gender while still in middle school. His advice to young men, which is coming from 1 Peter 3:7, is that men should honor women. This means treating other women like you would want your sister to be treated by other men. You cannot treat a woman as if she is just something nice to look at because that dishonors her. His advice for young women was based on 1 Peter 3:3-4 and that their focus should be on becoming a good and mature person rather than focusing only on outward appearance. This means that women should focus on becoming the sort of woman who has a good personality, rather than merely good looks. Their character should be their focus rather than appearance. In addition, Nick advised young women to make sure that they date good guys rather than immature guys. Girls need to be picky about who they date. Finally, and above all, everyone should also make sure that they keep serving God as their focus rather than just trying to please themselves.
