This week Trent spoke on the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. He talked about how the Israelites decided to follow God and walk around the wall as God had commanded. They were commanded by God to walk around the wall and to be silent. They obeyed God and on the seventh day he came through. God had promised that he would give them the land and that he would give Jericho into their hands if they obeyed his commands. They were obedient and the city's walls crumbled in upon themselves. Israel had taken the city. God had fulfilled his promises, even though Israel had to be patient. We also need to trust in God's promises for our lives and be patient even when things seem different than we would have expected. I'm sure Israel was a little confused by God's command to walk around Jericho, but when they were patient and followed God's command, God fulfilled his promise to them. We too need to follow God and wait for him to fulfill his promises.