Monday, November 16, 2009

Jason's Blog

This week Trent "birthday boy" Lewis taught us about another hero of the faith, Abel. Cain and Abel, two of Adam and Eve's children, offered sacrifices to God. God accepted and was grateful for Abel's sacrifice, but was critical of Cain's. After this, Cain became jealous of Abel and grew angry. God confronted Cain about his anger, but Cain allowed it to grow to the point where Cain murdered Abel. Looking back on the original offering we see that there is a difference between the heart of Cain and the heart of Abel. Abel gave up the first and best part of his livelihood. Cain only gave what he thought would be enough, but he did not give up his best. We need to be sure that we give our best to God like Abel did. If we don't we might get trapped by sin, like Cain was trapped by his anger. We might not actually commit murder like Cain, but we may still sin in other ways if we are not putting God first in our lives. This week we need to remember where God belongs in our lives.
