Full Name:
Kari Beth Bachle
Sept. 6, 1984
Job / School:
Field naturalist/outdoors science teacher
Short Testimony:
Born and raised in a Christian home, when I was about 3 I "prayed the prayer" with my mom because I didn't want to end up like Cinderella's mean stepsisters. :) Over the years, God continued to teach me and become an important part of my life as I made my faith my own, using places like my church youth group and Hume Lake Christian Camps to help deepen my love and desire for him. I studied Christian Education at Biola University with a desire to someday work in full-time camp ministry, and spent my summers working as a Wildwood lead counselor at Hume. And although camp isn't where life has me at the moment, one of my biggest passions is loving on, encouraging, and challenging students in their walks with Christ, something I love doing at MSM.
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:
In-N-Out, all the way!
Day Job:
It's a mix of snake-wrangling, nose-wiping, and mind-corrupting...
Why do you serve in MSM?
I love youth ministry! Love seeing students be challenged in their faith and love watching as they grow and learn and have those "aha!" moments as they're making their faith their own. And I love watching God at work in, through, and around me and the kids...he never ceases to blow me away!
When I was a kid I wanted to...
Be a spy! My best friend and I had a "spy team," we would try to crack cases, search for shady business, sneak up on our sisters...they hated us, but we loved it!
How I came to know Jesus:
After watching "Cinderella" with my mom, I shared with her my 3-year-old insight that Cinderella's stepsister must not love God to act the way they did, and I did NOT want to be like them! So I prayed with my mom and asked Jesus to come into my heart right then and there. My faith became my own during my teenage years, as God continued to teach me who he was and what it looked like to follow him through things like my parents, youth group, and Hume Lake--which quickly became my favorite place in the world! I'm definitely not done growing and learning, but I am definitely not where I used to be and am excited to see what God continues to do in my life!
Most Famous person you've ever met?
Ummm....Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, I guess. Lame, I know.
Why do you go to church?
To learn, to grow, to worship God! And to do it with other Christians...I'm a big fan of community.
Why work with Middle School Students?
Because they're so full of life and fun, and I love seeing God at work in their lives! Oh yeah, and I like pizza...
What was your first word as a baby?
No idea. Although one of my first phrases was about those big "76" gas station balls: "Big ball go round...!"
What is your life verse?
Eph. 6:19-20. "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth words may be given me so that I may fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel...Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." I found this verse during a time in my life where God was really doing some work on me, and one of the biggest things he was challenging me on was being bold in how I live for him!
The coolest place on the planet you've ever been?
Chiang Mai, Thailand! Elephants, snakes, giant spiders, the most delicious food ever, Thai massages...it's a magical land of wonder and adventure! I even got proposed to once by a man driving by on his scooter!
What's you're most embarrassing moment?
I tend to block these moments from my memory...
What's currently you're favorite attribute of God?
His faithfulness! Again and again in the Old Testament, God calls his people to REMEMBER--where they came from, what he's done. I've discovered that this remembering is SUPER important in my life, too! It's so easy to get stressed out about the unknowns of life, yet when I look back and see all that God's done in the past and how he's taken care of me before I can be sure...he's going to take care of me down the road too! His faithfulness to me, no matter what, blows me away.